Master FAQ!
BizBaz Club
Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you very much for taking time to check over this document for your question before reaching out. Please use ctrl+F to search this document for your questions and if you need any further assistance, please reach out to our customer service email:
Note: If you ask a question that is outlined on this FAQ via email, we will just link this to you via an auto reply so please read it first before sending a message! We typically reply to messages within 24 hours, but it can take up to 3 business days to hear back from us. DM’s will not always be replied to, so be sure to email us to ensure you receive a response. We only check messages once per day, and answer in chronological order, so if you keep replying to the same message it’s going to update the timestamp and only delay the response time.
Current Processing Time: 5-20 BUSINESS Days although we typically do our best to ship the next day!
Quick Links:
San Diego Storefront:
I forgot something! / Can I combine orders?
Please place a 2nd order, then email us with both order numbers. We will combine your orders and refund shipping overages. We will only combine orders if we have not already sent out the first order, so please let us know ASAP.
PLEASE NOTE: Certain prints, apparel, and other items ship from our warehouse so we are unable to combine these items with existing orders.
Can I cancel my order?
Please email us promptly with your order number and we will cancel your order for you. If the order has already been sent out, you must follow the return protocol before getting your order refunded.
How long will my item take to ship?
It can take up to 20 business days for your items to ship to you. (This is essentially two full weeks. If there are any extra delays in shipping, we have the right to ship whenever we can and will keep you updated via our Instagram Stories! @bizbazclub) We typically ship the next day though.
During the weekend of BizBaz @ Home, our in-person BizBaz events, or any trade show we are vending at, we DO NOT ship orders.
If you order in-stock items with your pre-order items, you will need to wait for the pre-order to finish production for your purchase to ship. If you don't wish to do that, please order all in-stock products separately from your pre-order!
Lost package!
Please call or stop in at your local post office to discuss this with them, sometimes they can track it down for you or provide more information. "Marked as Delivered" does not always mean its at your front door, please allow a few extra days for delivery due to USPS slow downs. These issues are not something we can affect.
Damaged package!
In the case that you receive your order and it is in fact missing something you ordered please double check your receipt that was emailed to you when you placed your order. If the item was ordered but is missing please contact us. In your email please include your order number, what was missing from your order, and if possible a photo of what you did receive. We will getcha taken care of!
I accidentally put in the wrong address!
Please email us promptly with your order number and we will change the address for you. If the order has already been sent out, we will have to wait until it is returned to us to issue a refund or send it back out after another shipping payment is made.
Will you mark my customs form as 'gift'? What are import taxes?
We will not mark any International packages as gifts as it is illegal. Please reach out to your local representatives to change the ways that your specific country handles import tax. We are also not responsible for the import/custom taxes you may receive when ordering internationally.
Returns & Exchanges
We want you to be 100% happy with your purchases from us so if you need to return or exchange something please email us so we can fix this issue for you pronto! We can't guarantee any refunds or exchanges, but are happy to discuss your specific situation with you!
Here is the information needed if you are interested in vending at either our in-person or virtual events!
How to vend at BizBaz SoCal Mini-Cons:
Please check out the application for all of the information on vending before emailing any questions to us! You can also see how the event works as a whole here on our website.
How to vend at BizBaz @ Home:
Please check out the application for all of the information on vending before emailing any questions to us! You can also see how the event works as a whole here on our website.
If you want to become a vendor with BizBaz Club - we want to represent your art! It's as easy as that. Click here to fill out the application.
We strive to be inclusive of all styles + mediums of art. We have it all from traditional to rainbow to political to goth to emo to punk and everything in between! Here's a quick snippet of our consignment menu:
What is your consignment rate?
Our consignment rate ranges depending on the tier you select! Please see above for details.
How often do you payout?
We typically payout every single month by the last day of the month. Usually due to scheduling limitations, it will be the last week of the month but if we have the capacity, we try to payout sooner. If there is a holiday during payout that could also delay it or if there is a personal obligation on our side, there could be a slight delay of up to 4 months at times. (Quarterly basis vs monthly) It is just one person running our operations so we strive to be extremely communicative and hope you can understand! If you do not receive a payout, that means you did not sell anything during that timeframe. Please keep in mind the queue length for adding you to our shop (6-8 weeks) vs when you ship your products as well. Please check our Discord/Instagram to ensure you're staying up to date on our current payout schedule.
How many of each design should I send you?
We only require three of each design plus an additional one for display purposes. This equals a total of four items per design. We do not want you to send more than that because we want this to be easy for you! We don't want to heavily affect your stock since we only pay out when your items sell. If something ends up being a hot ticket item, we can always just have a larger restock later for that particular design.
What if I want my art back?
You're entitled to ask for your art back at anytime - but keep in mind sales are very unpredictable. There's no way to know when your items will be "trending" - it could be instantly, in six months or even years to see a huge influx in sales for a particular item. We suggest always waiting it out which is also why we only ask for 3 of each item.
What pricing should I give you?
We can use the pricing you typically charge for your items or, since the consignment rate does make you take a small hit with each sale, you're welcome to increase your pricing for the items you include in BizBaz Club. Just let us know what pricing you want - you are in control of that so just tell us what to list them as and it shall be done!
Are product pictures needed?
Not at all. We do use your photos if you have them on your site, otherwise we take them ourselves at our HQ.
What if I want an update on my inventory?
We are a transparent company so ask away whenever you want. We keep your inventory logged in our Shopify and on a Spreadsheet as a backup. When we pay out, we also send a screenshot of where your inventory is at so you can see what's selling.
Where exactly will you be selling my art?
Everywhere we can! Online, at trade shows and of course at our storefront. Right now, due to the pandemic, we are in the midst of relocating to a new storefront but we have yet to find "the spot". Also post-pandemic, we take private appointments at our HQ and make local deliveries too!
Will you run promotions/sales on my items?
If we choose to run some sort of promotion, we pay you out for the value of your items that you have listed on your contract so we will cover the difference of any sale. So, do not worry if you see us hosting a sale! You will still get paid at the full value (minus the consignment rate, of course) for your items!
How will you promote my art?
We have an Instagram, TikTok, PopShop Live, Twitch, and Facebook that we update daily with various aspects of the business. We will show your product photos on there, behind the scenes at our HQ showing off your products in person, trade shows...well you get the idea - it's social media! We promote everyone's art equally but if you want us to post your products a certain way, please just let us know and we will accommodate whatever you need.
What if my art gets stolen at a trade show or at your storefront?
We do our best to maintain a safe environment for your art. Obviously there are things out of our control. We have an alarm/security system at our storefront and insurance. In the event something happens to your art, you will be paid out as per usual if that happens. Depending on the severity of the situation, we may need to work out a payment plan with you as well.
Thank you so much again for supporting our small business! We work very hard to ensure you receive the best experience possible at BizBaz Club!