BizBaz Volunteers!
If you'd like to volunteer to help BizBaz with our San Diego events, this form is for you! Thank you so much for your interest. BizBaz only has 1 able-bodied person on our small team of 2, so volunteers are crucial for us to have successful events. We couldn't do it without you.
Click here to check out the form! or read more below for all the details.
Volunteering is pretty simple at our events. We need 5-10 volunteers per event that are capable of helping us:
-Load our U-Haul either the day prior or morning of with tables, chairs, and other equipment for the event (20 minutes)
-Set-up equipment at venue day of event (30 minutes)
-Pack up equipment/clean venue at end of event (30 minutes)
-Unload U-Haul at storage (20 minutes)
We usually have our schedule of events available up until a year in advance so although it's only a few times a month that we host events, you are able to plan accordingly with enough notice to incorporate BizBaz into your schedule. You MUST be physically able to lift 10-20 tables in and out of the van, carrying them into the venue, and setting them up.
There are 2 types of volunteers: Vendors and Non-Vendors. Vendors will receive 30% off their table fee for the event in exchange for volunteering, a free boba drink, and a free meal at the event. This table discount will be a CREDIT given off their next BizBaz event to ensure all work is performed and CANNOT BE COMBINED with other artist discount programs that we offer. If you are a non-vendor, we can offer a BizBaz swag bag valued at $40 plus a free boba drink/meal. For non-vendor volunteers, this can be given out at the end of the event once pack up is finished.